Friday, February 6, 2009

Post Your Boycott Kellogg's Photos Here!

NORML calls on all those who are offended by the Kellogg's dropping Michael Phelps over the photo of his private marijuana use to join us in the Boycott Kellogg's movement. It is well past time we stopped punishing responsible adults for choosing to relax in private with a substance safer than alcohol.

Step one: Visit to learn why we're calling this boycott and which snack foods and cereals this boycott covers. Kellogg's is bigger than you think; their products include many favorites like Cheez-It® crackers, Eggo® waffles, Keebler® cookies, and Froot Loops® cereal. (Why they'd want to anger marijuana smokers is beyond me!)

Step two: Spread the word! Digg the Stash page on the boycott (there's a "Share This" icon at the end), post it on your blog, Tweet your buddies, steal the icons and copy them on your blog, Facebook, Myspace, and send people over to!

Step three: Take a photo of yourself and/or your friends expressing your disappointment in Kellogg's for dropping Michael Phelps. Bonus points for pictures involving Kellogg's products (see Product List).